The purpose of the Pok O Rama is to take the first step in making LA Pok Escapes. The idea is to extruded elements from 2d paintings and drawings I have completed in the past. Extruded they will create a life size 3d diorama or in fact a mini landscape. By doing so I hope to portray a better understanding of what La Pok escapes could be for myself and my school mentors.

The grass in the foreground on the right and below is also a good element to use, and and easy way of representing vegetation. although i do still wont real plants in the landscape.
I would also like to use fake and real vines through the landscape. The Pok representation of vines are shown left. The image below is Pok and Chicken Heart, otherwise known as Chickpok.
The above images are of some precedents of diorama styles.
The first Pok O Rama I am going to build is inspired from above.
By creating this work I have realised that I have began trying to disguise the boxed space that the landscape is placed in. I have achieved this by rolling the sky over onto the roof of the box. This is something I wish to test further.
I am pleased with the illusion the ground pattern has on the sloped surface. I have hung vines in this work that i wished to test in a Pokorama, but am not sure if it works well in this instance. I think this box needs something else in the foreground so as to balance the work.
When I made the work above I imagined the bands across the top as bridges and the background the sky, as if looking up. When this work was translated into a Pokorama it took on a vertical format instead of a horizontal.
Although I am working towards doing more then just offsetting panels to create depth, I ended up doing just that in this work. What I like best about this work is that it is more abstracted then just representing a scenario.
Painting the background in this work has proven successful in working towards the illusion that this space is not a box.
The forth painting I have extruded into a Pokorama
aims to remove the squared edge at both the bottom and top of the back of the box.
Having the piped form hanging off the sky has also worked well in changing the dynamics of the boxed environment.

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