I was walking past this house thinking of ways to applying LA POK when I saw these two hedged conifers standing proud either side of the front door. I imagined them body Guards to the house and laughed. These guardians reminded me of Totem poles outside a North West Coast Indians building.

Referencing the way North West coast Indians decorated their homes and landscapes. I wish to investigate the roles these characters played in their mythology and culture. Is it possible to apply these principles to our own culture. I propose to do an installation in the front yard of a typical Melbourne suburban house and test these ideas.
Each clan has a mascot that is the animal that long ago allowed them to share the plentiful land which they lived. Other animals then feature in the totems and house detailing. They are not supposed to represent the animal but a mythical version of that animal.
The creators of these works tried to achieve as much variety and difference within the limitations and rules that where placed upon them by their cultural beliefs. Maintaining these guidelines was a way of paying respects to their ancestors. Despite these limitations the creators pushed against these rules to create individuality whilst staying within the respective guidelines.
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